Thursday 4 December 2008

Continuity Task.


Plot Summary.

A man – Danny – goes round to his girlfriend’s house to see her. Opening the door to her bedroom, he sees another man – Jack - pinning her violently against a wall. He has a gun to her temple.Later that night, Danny sneaks into Jack’s house without being noticed. He finds Jack sitting at his table, eating his dinner. He sits opposite Jack, trapping him in. They argue and then Danny pulls a gun.


Establishing shot of a normal looking house during the day. Camera zooms up to one of the upper windows.

Quick cut to a close up of a man’s – Danny - hand on a door handle. He opens the door. Camera zooms out to an over-the-shoulder shot. Another man – Jack – has a young woman – Danny’s girlfriend, Mel – pinned to the wall of the room and is obviously threatening her. She is trembling and visibly frightened. Jack has a gun held against her temple.
Match On Action.
Quick cut to an over-the-shoulder shot of Danny again, in the same position. This time, he is in a different house. He is looking in at Jack who is sat casually at his dining room table, eating dinner. Danny isn’t noticed until he speaks.

Danny : [low, threatening] Alright, Jack?

Quick cut to a close up of Jack’s face. He looks up, fork halfway to his mouth, obviously shocked and scared. He tries to cover it up.

Quick cut to over-the-shoulder shot from behind Jack. Danny is standing in the doorway, glaring at Jack and very tense.

Jack: [nervous] Yuh-Yeah. Good, thanks...You a-alright, Danny, mate?

Without saying anything, Danny walks slowly towards Jack until he is sitting opposite him.
Shot Reverse Shot.

Danny: [threatening, calm] No. No, Jack, I’m not alright. Do you know why I’m not alright?

Jack: [trying to act casual but obviously worried] No...I mean, why wouldn’t you be alright? Great house, great car, lots of money, great girl -

Low angle shot. Mid-shot.

Danny: [leaning over the table, in Jack’s face. He gradually gets louder, more angry] Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. I have got a great girl. So, naturally, I’d worry about her. Especially when there are creeps like you about. What the hell were you doing at my house!?

Shot Reverse Shot.

Jack: [fidgety, twitchy] I – I dunno what you mean, mate! I wasn’t anywhere near...

Danny: [shouting] I saw you! I saw you, you lying scumbag!

Jack: Okay, okay! I – It wasn’t me! I didn’t want to! He made me, Danny, I swear he made me...!

Hear the click of a gun being loaded.

Extreme close up of the barrel of a handgun.

Shooting Schedule.

Location: Girlfriends house.

Establishing shot of house, camera pans up to close up of upper window – 4 seconds.

Close up of Danny’s hand on a door handle, the door opens – 1 – 2 seconds.

Over-the-shoulder shot from behind Danny – 1 second.

Location: Jack’s house.
Over-the-shoulder shot from behind Danny – 3 seconds.

Close-up of Jack’s face – 1 second.

Over-the-shoulder shot from behind Jack – 8 seconds.

Close-up of Danny’s face – 3 seconds.

Close-up of Jack’s face – 3 seconds.

Low angle mid-shot of Danny leaning over the table – 4-5 seconds.

Close-up of Jack’s face – 2 seconds.

Close-up of Danny’s face – 2 seconds.

Close-up of Jack’s face – 2 seconds.

Close-up of the barrel of a gun – 1 second.

Prop List

Toy Gun.


What went well during filming?
I feel that planning my continuity task really helped when it came to filming. It meant that I know what I was doing and when I was doing most, if not all, of the time. It made the process of filming much smoother and easier. Knowing how to work the camera beforehand also helped a lot as it saved time that we could use to film. I think that the positioning of the camera for different shots went well while I filmed and that I worked really well with the actors I used.

What did you struggle with or find more difficult than you anticipated? Did any unexpected problems occur?
I found that getting rid of any unwanted background noise was hard and sometimes impossible to do completely. Lighting was also a problem as we didn't have any technical lighting equipment and had to rely on what we could find. This meant that some of the scenes were darker then wanted. Finding the right setting that was available for me to use was also difficult as there were only a limited number of places in which I could film.

What would you do differently next time?
Next time I would think ahead more about my location to ensure that a location that matches my plot is available to me. I would also think more carefully about the lighting within the location and how light/dark I wanted the scene so that I could plan ahead about trying to find a way to lighten/darken a room. I will also keep the number of people around to a minimum to avoid unnecessary chaos, confusion and noise.

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